The children and grandchildren of John Bond Jr and Alice Plunkett:
-4 Children:
Lila Plunkett Bond, Julia (Judy) Katharine Bond, Josephine Bond, Richard Thompson (Tommy) Bond
-10 Grandchildren:
Lila Anne Matthews, Agnes Somers Matthews
Virginia Reville Ledbetter, Joel Yowell Ledbetter Jr, Julia Plunkett Ledbetter
Alice Plunkett Temple, Hal Crouch Temple, Helen Christine Temple, Thompson Bond Temple, Katharine (Kate) Plunkett Temple
Tonight at 8:30pm- it’s the 108th wedding anniversary of John Bond and Alice Plunkett! Cheers y’all
“The wedding of John B. Bond Junior and Miss Alice Plunkett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Plunkett, will be solemnized at the family residence on the evening of April 30. Miss Plunkett is one of the most popular debutantes of the season, and is a girl of charming personality, whose wedding will be attended with a marked degree of interest.”
And from the paper the day after:
“Miss Alice Plunkett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Plunkett, and John Barnitz Bond, son of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Bond, were married Thursday evening at the family residence at 1719 Arch Street, which for the occasion was most artistically decorated with palms and cut flowers. Smilax covered the stairway, arches and windows. Easter lilies decorated the drawing room, where the mantle was also arranged with the lilies against the background of greenery. Lighted tapers gave her bridal-like air to the scene. Promptly at 8:30 o’clock the ribbon bears descended the stairway in couples, including Misses Louise Worthen and Blanche Pillow, Mary Thompson and Grace Kidd, Mary Thompson and Grace Kidd, Myra Thompson, and Essie Plunkett. Gowns of lingerie and lace with sashes of pink and green were the ribbon-bearers’ costumes, while Mrs. Fletcher Burrow and Leila Smith, fair bridesmaids were gowned in green crepe meteor, and carried arm bouquets of Killarney roses. Miss Lila Plunkett served as a maid of honor, and wore a handsome gown of pink crepe, embellished with lace and pearls. Killarney roses composed the arm bouquet. Mrs. William Cates Bond, as matron of honor, wore pink meteor, and carried Killarney roses. The bride walked with her father, W.B. Plunkett, and more an elegantly designed costume of white crepe meteor, with overdress of lace. The long veil was draped from a chaplet of real orange blossoms. The bridal bouquet consisted of white orchids and lilies of the valley. The pearls worn with the costume with those formally worn by the grandmother, mother and sister of the bride at their weddings. The groom was attended by his brother, William Cates Bond. The ceremony was performed by Reverend Dr. Bond of El Paso, uncle of the groom.
A brilliant reception followed the ceremony. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. John Barnitz Bond and members of their bridal party; Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Plunkett and Dr. and Mrs. John B. Bond.
A wedding supper was served in the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with Killarney roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Bond have gone East on their wedding journey, and will be at home after June 5 at 221 East 16th street.”

These pearls were mentioned in an Arkansas Gazette account of Bitty’s wedding in 1914:
“The pearls worn with the costume with those formally worn by the grandmother, mother and sister of the bride at their weddings.”
So that means Lila Boyd Plunkett (Bitty’s mother) wore them.
And that means that 1 of Bitty’s 2 grandmothers wore them at her wedding.
Bitty’s grandmothers were Martha Elizabeth Hayley (WB Plunkett’s mom) and Frances Maurous “Fannie” O’Bannon (Lila Boyd’s mom).
It was probably Martha Elizabeth Hayley (W.B. Plunkett’s mom) that wore them at her wedding also.
It’s fun to speculate who was the first bride to wear them…

I found one more photo of John Bond – this is the oldest we have seen him. Maybe he is 52 or 53 here. And here is a higher quality scan of the one with Bitty and the girls.

He got to be a dad for just 7 years – to three spirited & strong girls and one charming & generous son.

How does your liver feel this morning? If it were 1920, you might try Bond’s Liver Pills. Here’s an advertisement for them in a newspaper and pictures of an old medicine bottle. This was a best-selling product of Bond’s Pharmacy Co.
“Just take one Bond’s Pill at bedtime for that headache, biliousness, torpid liver, or dizziness, and wake up well, without any unpleasant recollections.”