My sketch/watercolor of the Old Quarter in Galveston where we played a show on July 18. (Prints of this are available here.)
Just a sampling of the fascinating facts about Old Quarter founder and songwriter Rex Bell: he inspired the song “Rex’s Blues” that his good friend Townes wrote, he played Carnegie Hall with Lightnin’ Hopkins, he invented “Starbock” beer by mixing Lone Star with Shiner Bock until he was told to cease and desist by guess which Seattle-based beverage company?
A few years ago, Rex passed the ownership of OQ on to Joel and Angela Mora who understand its cultural importance and are guiding it onward with love, wisdom, and a focus on community.

It was a fun, lovely night at the Old Quarter in Galveston. Thanks Josh Flowers, Rick Richards, Joel & Angela Mora, and Hank Woji for doing the show with me. Great to be with so many old and new friends in such a soulful room.