A sketch/watercolor on the view from the terrace of the Memorial Union in Madison, Wisconsin. I have prints available of this here.
In 2 weeks, when I’m in town to play a show at Kiki’s on the 15th, I’m gonna do my best to get a seat here for a while. These orange, yellow, and green sunburst chairs have a mystical force that powers great conversations and enhances gratitude for life (possibly also helped by the beer).

In the years I lived in Madison, I heard so much new music and met so many good friends. The life well-lived is what I witnessed in Madison so often, and I still carry with me the people, places, and songs I found there. I made this watercolor thinking of summers in Madison, and I’m looking forward to playing Kiki’s House of Righteous Music (my 5th time) on Sunday, September 15. The songs I’ll play (some written with Madison compadres) are souvenirs of other remarkable people and places, and I’m looking forward to being back.