Eliza (Lila) Boyd Plunkett in 1935, likely holding granddaughter Lila Anne Matthews (1934–1959)
Lila Boyd Plunkett was Alice Plunkett’s mom

Here is a picture of Lila Plunkett as a child.
Eliza (Lila) Boyd married William B. Plunkett in 1879 (she was 18, he was 20).

They lived at 1719 Arch Street in Little Rock for more than 40 years. (Their daughter Alice and John Bond Jr were married at an 8pm wedding service at their home at 1719 Arch Street – Alice was 20, John was 45.)
Here’s 1719 Arch Street on Google Maps:

Found a Plunkett-Jarrell Grocery Co. product- Betsy Ross Tea – on ebay.

Here’s a W.B. Plunkett (Alice Plunkett’s dad) talking about the Plunkett-Jarrell Grocery business in 1913:
“This is starting the year in the right manner, to say the least and we intend to keep up this record and maintain the standard throughout the year. If present favorable prospects continue to exist, I will not hesitate to say that the year 1913 will be a record-breaking year for us. The increase in business in the year 1912 over the year 1911 was the greatest we’ve ever had in any one year, and we are striving to make the increase in 1913 over 1912 even greater than the increase in 1912 over 1911.
I believe that the conditions over the entire State are better now than they’ve ever been and if we do not have an unfavorable fall time, then I am of the opinion that more wholesale business will be done in 1913 than in any other year in the history of Arkansas.”
My cousin Kelle Mills found an old Plunkett-Jarrell Grocer Co. location in Hot Springs (https://www.oldhousedreams.com/…/c-1900-warehouse-hot…/) and one in Conway (https://www.arkansasonline.com/…/furniture-store-owner…/)

In 1914, W.B. Plunkett (Alice Plunkett’s father and Lila Boyd Plunkett’s husband) was elected to the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank in St Louis (one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that, along with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., make up the United States’ central bank)
From a newspaper article on the election:
“Mr. Plunkett is a modest, quiet and studious business man, a man who during his useful life is giving to commerce strict attention that has marked his lifelong success. Never a plunger, always careful and prudent, he has a sufficient amount of the sunshine of optimism to make him a most lovable associate of all with whom he may be connected.
While Mr. Plunkett is systematic in his business affairs, and methodical to a marked degree, he is never too busy to talk business to business men, or to give a pleasant word and a gracious smile to his scores of acquaintances and friends.”

W.B. & Lila Plunkett had 5 kids: Katharine, Willie, Ralph, Alice, and Lila.
Here are a few photos of Alice as a child, a teenager, and young lady.

a copy of this book – Plunkett/Boyd History written by Floy Plunkett Luppen in 1998. I scanned the 76 page book for us all and here’s the link-

It includes stories full of personality about holidays with WB Plunkett and Lila Boyd Plunkett at 1719 Arch Street:
“Christmas was celebrated on Christmas eve. The tree was in the middle of the parlor. It was as tall as the ceiling, very decorated with many strings of burning lights. The single file line-up of grand children was always the same, the youngest, Larry, was first. Then Bill Plunkett, Tommy Bond, Floy Plunkett, Jo Bond, Judy Bond, Ellen Plunkett, Lila Bond, John Bond, and last – William Bond.
When the pocket parlor doors were slid open, there, unwrapped, was your heart’s desire — the one gift you wanted more than anything else. One year Lila received red dancing shoes and Ellen had a tool set. Only once was there a mix-up. Larry claimed Bill’s riding dump truck. Papa had Blass Department store opened and a truck was delivered that day for Bill.
Another favorite holiday was Easter. The line-up was always the same. The yard was a city block in area, and the eggs were hidden all over it. There must have been 18-20 dozen — hard boiled and dyed eggs. Everyone had a basket full even if you took time out to swing or climb a Magnolia tree. Afterwards, we sat on the steps, counted eggs and ate them.
The head of the Plunkett family was W. B., or Papa. He was the patriarch, the Victorian dictator. His rules were unyielding. He worked, checked on the farm, and read every night – always mysteries. He never visited or went out to dinner or parties.
Mama was the softening, loving influence. She did her visiting and card playing during the day. While Papa read at night she did hand work — quilting and knitting.”